This is our preferred method of treating patients. The work we do is both physical and emotional and requires patients and PTs to be side by side working together.
Video Conference
When an In-Person session is not possible we utilize telemedicine software. Once you have booked your appointment we will share a link and setup instructions.
We take your health & safety seriously
Learn about our detailed safety precautions taken for all patients who will attend In-Person sessions with our physical therapists.

COVID-19 Policies & Procedures
During this time Raquel Perlis Physical Therapy has implemented the following safety precautions to protect our patients and staff. Regulations have been changing regularly, so please note the following guidelines are subject to change. We will communicate changes with you as needed. The safety of our patients and staff is extremely important to us. Please read the following and help us ensure the safest environment possible.
In-Office Safety Procedures:
We ask patients to come to their appointment alone. If a caregiver/guardian is needed, they should assist you to the office and then return to their car (if possible).
Appointment times will be spaced out to prevent patient overlap.
Patients should not wait in the waiting room or any common areas in the building. We will call or text you when it is time to come up for your appointment. Patients will be brought directly to exam rooms.
Patients should take their temperature the morning of the appointment. We will confirm they have no fever by using a contactless thermometer upon arrival.
Patient will wash their hands with soap and water, or hand sanitizer as this becomes more readily available. Gloves are available if wanted.
All patients are asked to wear a face covering.
All surfaces will be disinfected before and after each visit.
Clinicians will be wearing a mask and gloves for all treatments.
Scheduling and payments will be done by phone when possible.
Who Should Not Be Seen?
We will not be seeing patients who within the last 14 days have had symptoms of COVID-19, have had close-contact with someone with positive or suspected COVID-19 (i.e. household contact), have traveled to a high-risk area, or are under quarantine.
We ask if you or a member of your household has had any of the following symptoms in the past 14 days to reschedule. Symptoms include:
Shortness of breath
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
GI Symptoms (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting)
We will call all patients the day before their appointment with a brief health questionnaire.
We are happy to help you reschedule if needed. If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment or have questions, please email us at racapt@aol.com or leave us a voicemail in our office (781) 237-9006.
If you would like an appointment but feel more comfortable not coming in, or are unable to come in due to reasons mentioned above, we will continue to offer Telehealth services. Using a video call we are able to conduct physical therapy evaluations and treatments remotely. While not every condition can be addressed remotely, the results so far have been successful.
Please call with any questions. We know this is difficult for everyone, and appreciate your help keeping everyone safe. Thank you for your support. We look forward to welcoming you back.
Raquel and staff